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Lavender Essential Oil With ISO-9001 Cert


Certification : ISO 9001:2015
NOT : NOT190407713K


Used topically, Lavender restores skin complexion and is generally used on aging and acne-prone skin as it delays aging with its powerful anti-oxidant action and improves the texture of skin that is subject to eczema and psoriasis. Its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties helps to reduce itching and swelling caused by infection or insect bites and it provides soothing relief to minor burns and cuts, while eliminating bacteria from wounds. In hair care, Lavender is known to be an antiseptic that effectively eliminates lice and dandruff when massage into the scalp.

Lavender oil helps to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. The fragrance of Lavender is sweet and calming, allowing the brain and body to relax and promote faster onset of deeper sleep. Its ability to reduce emotional stress such as anxiety and depression and its potency in alleviating headaches and tension are the main reasons that make this oil so popularly used in aromatherapy.

Our Lavender essential oil has also been used in aromatherapy, making perfumes and natural products such as handmade soaps, scrubs, candles, etc.



Lavender Essential Oil Pure & Therapeutic Grade, 10ml


  • Treats acne, eczema and scars
  • Detoxifies skin
  • Heals cuts, burn and insect bites
  • Improves skin tone
  • Anti Aging


  • Controls hair loss
  • Treats alopecia areata
  • Disinfects scalp from lice and dandruff
  • Hair conditioning


  • Improves sleep
  • Treats anxiety and depression
  • Cures headaches and pain
  • Aids in proper digestion
  • Heals wounds and cuts
  • Soothes tired muscle


It is always safer to dilute essential oil before applying directly to skin to avoid allergic reaction.

1. Diffuser – Add 4-6 drops per 100ml of water
2. Skincare – 2-4 drops to 10ml of carrier oil/lotion/cream
3. Body massage – 5-8 drops to 10ml of carrier oil


  • Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia
  • CAS : 8000-28-0
  • Composition: 100% Lavender Essential Oil
  • Origin: Australia
  • Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
  • Plant Part: Flowers
  • Color: Pale Yellow to yellow
  • Consistency: Thin

Additional information

Weight N/A
Size EO

10ML, 30ML, 50ML, 100ML, 500ML, 1Liter


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